Minimum Learning Hours Consultation

Parent/Carer Survey on the Proposals of Minimum Annual Number of Learning Hours in Scottish Schools.
Scottish Government recently sent out a consultation paper for parents and carers asking for their opinion about the number of learning hours that should be set in law for young people in Scotland.
The consultation says: “learning hours are the period of teaching that learners receive within the school day. In most cases, they do not include lunch, other break times or extra-curricular activities or the provision of breakfast clubs that may take place around the core school day.”
Across the world there are only three countries which do not specify a specific number of learning hours for pupils, these countries are England, Scotland, and New Zealand.
Scottish Government are looking to set a specific number of hours of education to be provided by all local authorities in schools they have in their area. This will not include breaks, lunch or after-school clubs. At present there is a requirement for schools to be open for 190 days, with no indication of how long a day is or of how much time is spent learning.
Currently, in most schools 950 hours of teaching time is provided in primary schools, and 1045 of teaching time in secondary schools.
Link for consultation information:
Please click here to complete the NPFS survey, this survey will be open until the 26th of May and the results will be shared with Scottish Government.