As with all organisations there comes a time for knowledgable, dedicated people to leave for pastures new. Four volunteers stepped down at our AGM in September, having worked on an impressive range of projects and fed into all of our work to see improvements in education for all families. They have also been relentless in their work to support their local authorities and their fellow volunteers here at the National Parent Forum of Scotland (NPFS). We are indeed losing true assets of the NPFS, but we are sure that their selfless volunteering for families will further extend to other areas of their community.
At the NPFS we strive to help every child to maximise their potential through their school life, and the work that these reps have been involved in is testament to that.
Charlotte, Eric, Joe and Ian, thank you for you work on the Education (Scotland) Act 2016; Making Maths Count; Scottish Qualifications Authority Advisory Group; National Improvement Framework; Time for Inclusive Education and LGBT education awareness; the National Action plan on Parental involvement; Parental Engagement and Family Learning; Curriculum, Learning, Teaching and Assessment (CLTA) National Forum; tackling bullying, and work around family learning with physical education to name but a few.
We would like to thank Charlotte Harrison, Joseph McLachlan, Eric Lumsden, and Ian Aitchison for their work and to wish them health and happiness going forward.
We are pleased that we have new reps to cover the East Renfrewshire and Scottish Borders areas. We hope that the Parent Council’s of Orkney and West Lothian will put forward a parent volunteer to continue the work of parental representation.
The National Parent Forum of Scotland is a national body led by and for parents. It is an influential national and independent body, working on behalf of parents with children in education across Scotland to help every pre-school and school pupil maximise their potential.
The National Parent Forum of Scotland is comprised of volunteer parent/carer representatives from each of Scotland’s 32 local authority areas. Please visit for more details.
The National Parent Forum of Scotland represents parents and carers by engaging with them and parent councils, and we are involved in working with both local and national levels of government to make sure that parents and carers have a full and equal voice in our children’s education.
We aim to fairly represent all parents, and we appreciate that there are a wide range of views and opinions.