The Scottish Learning Disability Awards 2020 are open for nominations!
Why not recognise a person or group of people with a learning disability, and celebrate their talents and achievements by nominating them for a Scottish Learning Disability Award?
This year there are 8 categories, spanning everything from the creative pursuits to sporting achievement and work and learning. So you won’t be stuck for choice!
There are also two categories where you can nominate people who support a person with a learning disability, as well as the person with a learning disability themselves. The ‘Living your Best Life’ category celebrates the importance of having innovative, person-centred support which empowers a person to live life to the fullest. ‘Family Carer and their Relative’ recognises the transformative and empowering relationship between the family carer(s) and the person being cared for.
To find out more about the award categories and to nominate a person or group for an award, please click here.
Nominations close on Monday 3rd February 2020 at 5pm.
So now is the time to get writing and send your nominations in!
If you have any questions about the nomination process or the Scottish Learning Disability Awards 2020, please don’t hesitate to contact the Scottish Commission for Learning Disability, on 0141 248 3733 or via email at