UNCRC’s CRC30 Toolkit

Making the CRC30 Matter for Children

🎈 Unicef has recently produced a free toolkit to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) (CRC30)

The toolkit covers key messages for the celebrations and ideas and inspiration. There are endless activities, activations and initiatives that can be done to acknowledge and celebrate 30 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC30).

#ForEveryChild, the right to learn.
#ForEveryChild, the right to be heard.
#ForEveryChild, the right to protection

You can see the full document here.



One section that might be of particular interest to Parents is the Early Moments Matter Section.

Early Moments Matter: The CRC states that every child has the right to life, survival and development (article 6), and the foremost institution in society for the protection and development of the child is the family.
Supporting parents to nurture children in the first stage of life, with good nutrition, play and care is critical to fulfilling this right. The CRC also obligates governments to provide services to support working parents (article 18).
When business employment practices require adults to work long hours, lack flexibility or do not adequately remunerate parents for time away or provide support services, it can mean parents do not have the means or capacity to provide this care themselves or to access safe, high quality childcare.
UNICEF is calling on governments and businesses to invest in family-friendly workplace policies that support working parents to give their children the best start in life and fulfil every child’s right to development.