3 New Nutshells Launched

NPFS is delighted to launch three new publications today at the Scottish Learning Festival, as part of its “…in a Nutshell” series:

  • Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) in a Nutshell
  • Senior Phase in a Nutshell
  • Wider Achievement in a Nutshell

These leaflets will help parents to better understand aspects of Scottish Education.

Today our Chair, Joanna Murphy, said:

“We know there is a strong relationship between parental engagement and positive outcomes for children and young people.  We need all parents in Scotland to understand the curriculum their child will be following, in order to be able to support their children’s education. Practitioners will be aware of the Refreshed Narrative on Scotland’s Curriculum and we hope that “CfE in a Nutshell” explains this in parent friendly language.”

“Scottish Government and COSLA (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities) have committed to an “Empowered System” but parents must have all the knowledge to be able to become empowered.”

Deputy First Minister John Swinney said:

“The National Parent Forum of Scotland’s Nutshells are an important resource for parents and provide a wealth of information in a straightforward way.

“The three new guides for parents published today, on Scotland’s curriculum, senior phase and wider achievement, look to strengthen the link between home and the classroom.

“I encourage all schools across Scotland to download and share the Nutshells with parents and families.”

Drop us an email at office@npfs.org.uk if you’d like any hard copies for yourself or your school.

You can take a look by clicking the images below: