Deferral Support Scotland

Did you know that any child still aged 4 at the school commencement date in Scotland has a legal right to defer their P1 start until the following year? (mid-Aug to 31 Dec borns and not just Jan and Feb borns)?

Parents/Carers in Scotland have a legal right to defer such children, but the funding for an extra year of nursery is at each local authority’s discretion (unlike Jan and Feb borns who are automatically entitled to this).

For more information join this Facebook Group: Deferral Support Scotland:

NPFS have always supported the Give Them Time Campaign, which wants a more transparent, consistent and child-centred approach to deferrals across the country. Follow @GiveTimeScot on Twitter to find out more.

They’re campaigning for a further year of nursery for all such children whose parents choose to defer them. See for more info.

Let’s help parents and early years’ staff learn more about this important right.