UNCRC incorporation

In line with the Programme for Government 2018-19 commitment, the Scottish Government has launched a consultation to look at how a new Act could incorporate the United Nation Children’s Rights Convention into the law of Scotland.
👉 Click here for more details and to submit responses


The closing date is 28th August 2019. The Scottish Government want to hear your views on whether to incorporate UNCRC principles into Scottish Law by 28th August.

Need a bit of help to understand the context? We realise it is a complex consultation if you are not familiar with the UNCRC. Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights) has produced a briefing that aims to unpick and explain some of the consultation questions and support its members as they consider how to respond.
👉 Click here to access the briefing

The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland has also produced a position paper which might help inform your response to the consultation.
👉 Click here to access the position paper

The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland have also written a new blog which explains why Scotland needs full and direct incorporation, and why we need it urgently.
👉 Click here to access the blog

Youth Link Scotland have written a website post to share their views in the lead up to the incorporation of UNCRC into Scots Law.
👉 Click here to access the post


We believe that this is the most important thing we can do to protect Children’s Rights.

At NPFS we are committed to helping every child to maximise their potential throughout their school life. Incorporating UNCRC would help to ensure that children’s rights are recognised, by working with parents to identify the type of support the family needs. We want to make Scotland the best place for our young ones to grow up and learn. That’s why NPFS are enthusiastic to incorporate the rights into law.

NPFS are encouraging all parents to participate in this Consultation. 👉 Share your views by clicking here or email the Scottish government consultation address with your thoughts: UNCRCIncorporation@gov.scot

Parents are often the most important defenders of their children’s rights. It is clear that the best interests of the child are usually served by supporting the child’s family and places obligations on governments to invest in family support and child protection.