As many of you will know, more than two thirds of local authorities now charge for musical instrument lessons in school. Councils have introduced or increased fees, charging up to £524 per year for music tuition.
We have been asked to send written evidence into the Education and Skills Committee about instrumental music tuition, specifically around the charges many councils have brought in. It wants to find out the extent to which charging for instrumental music tuition as part of the school curriculum acts as a barrier to participation by pupils, particularly those from low income households.
We are looking to gather real-life stories and anecdotes to inform a consultation response for the Scottish Parliament Education and skills committee.
We would like to hear from parents and carers whose children were learning instruments but aren’t now because of the charge- either the introduction of a charge or an increase in the charge. Or parents who think instruments would be good for their child, but they simply can’t afford it. We are hoping to be able to gather evidence of the impact and knock-on effects the fees are having on real families and children across Scotland. Is no longer learning the instrument impacting on your child’s social life, sense of achievement, confidence, patience, discipline, creativity or physical skills?
Please email us your stories