Children’s wellbeing is at the heart of Getting it Right for Every Child. This means focusing on the wellbeing of every child to ensure they are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included (the wellbeing indicators).
This document outlines new policy guidance in response to the Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research conducted in 2016 and published in December 2017. The Scottish Advisory Group on Relationships and Behaviour in Schools (SAGRABIS) have identified the next steps, outcomes and priority actions to support local authorities, establishments, practitioners and partners to further improve the ethos and culture, and relationships and behaviour in Scottish schools. This is central to the successful delivery of Curriculum for Excellence, implementation of Getting it Right for Every Child and the aspirations of the Scottish Attainment Challenge and the National Improvement Framework.
National Parent Forum of Scotland’s Aberdeen representative, Tony Rafferty, was involved in SAGRABIS, the group who produced this document.
SAGRABIS recognises that parents and carers are key partners in their children’s learning. Schools should engage directly with parents and carers and foster a positive and inclusive environment where parents and carers are encouraged to work in partnership with the school to develop consistent messages.